FullChrist Ministries is a Biblical Christian non-profit organization which organizes and proclaims fundamental principles and values through the formation of men and ladies converted to Christ, thus promoting a moral right, ethics and conduct, which contribute to manifest the justice, peace and prosperity in the heart of our societies and peoples.

Bruno is a Peruvian believer converted in his infancy in the early 80s and with leaderships of Christian maturity from the 90s doing ministry in fraternal association with the Assemblies of God, founding FullChrist in 2009 in Lima where is the Christ Center Of America His HeadQuarters. Bruno in this photo is with his beloved Wife Santa, they are a Christian marriage since 2000 and together with his Beloved Son who came in 2003,Jhonatan. Bruno belongs to Kingdom Apostolic Network(KAN) under Personal coverage of Apostle George W Jobe of United States since 2012 and Apostle Eldon Tracy since 2022 www.AbundantLifeAssociation.com
Bruno Villa -Founder/CEO Apostle
Our Mission is to Motivate ProFound Changes in the Evangelical Christian Church as well as in the Society, ministering to their various sectors giving greater emphasis to the government and unreached sectors.
Our Vision is to See FullChrist as a Multifunctional Platform for launching a diversity of ministries.